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Voice Drops (10 seconds or less)
Produced with sound and voice effects
Dry voice with no sound effects
Full Pages
(Dry voice only)
Dry voice un-edited no music or SFX
(Fully Produced)
Voiced and fully produced
Radio/TV Station Monthly Retainer
Unlimited pages fully produced
Unlimited pages dry voice
$40 each
$25 each
$250 each
$500 each
rate varies per market
rate varies per market
Dry voice is defined as, unedited or "raw" audio which is just Mike's voice reading your script with no production elements added such as sound effects or music. A "Full Page" is defined as any script or copy that fits on a WORD document inside of 1-inch margins, with 12 point type double spaced. Any script or copy that exceeds one page, will be charged the full page rate for each additional page used to cover any script/copy overages. All services are based on market availability and exclusivity.
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